STOP California's Legislature from Taxing Families out of Homeownership

Help Us Stop this Housing Tax!
SB 1105 will grant massive authority to create new property and other taxes to an unelected board that could tax homeowners and give that tax money to private investors who build rental housing developments.
SB 1105 grants its agency board the ability to tax property without a vote of the electorate. That’s right. The board could unilaterally impose new taxes without voter approval!
And there is NO LIMIT on the amount you can be taxed!
Take Action Now!
Contact Your Legislators to Urge Them to Vote NO on the Housing Tax
Here's why you should OPPOSE SB 1105:
It allows an unelected board to impose property taxes on you WITHOUT voter approval. Raising taxes needs to have the support of the community, and should be approved by the voters, not by those who won’t be held accountable for their decisions.
It will make homeownership less affordable. These costs will impact both those seeking to purchase a home and those who have already struggled and stretched to afford the home they have already purchased. Increasing taxes will undermine working families’ ability to stay in their homes in an economically challenging time.
The cost of funding rental housing projects should be borne by ALL residents, not just those who own a home. It is agreed that creating more affordable housing is a public good. If that’s the case, the entire community should fund such programs, rather than taxing already economically stressed homeowners.